
How to Make Your Savings Last a Lifetime

How to Make Your Savings Last a Lifetime

You’ve been saving, living below your means and putting money toward your 401(k) plan. However you decided to put away money for retirement, you now have a portfolio of assets, plus your Social Security and if you are lucky a pension, so now you can enjoy a comfortable income, right? Wrong. Remember the financial crash of 2008 and 2009? It […]

Quick Finance Tips for Young Adults

Quick Finance Tips for Young Adults

Young adults go through the strangest of emotions; between figuring out a career path, making money for social life needs, deciding between school (or to not even go to one – what would one do then?), graduation, finding jobs after graduation – the list goes on forever. It can be a chaotic ride yet most do survive; but we will […]

This Is How Social Security Benefits Are Calculated

It should be clear to every working person that you do not receive full social security benefits until you are at the age of 67 (if you are born after 1960 – it is 66 and ‘x’ amount of months if you are born prior to 1960 so please look it up to know your where you land on the […]

6 Must Make Money Moves Before You Retire!

6 Must Make Money Moves Before You Retire!

    Retirement is a stage of life that many people simply do not prepare enough for. The earlier you start racking up personal savings in your life the better off you will be later stages. Luckily, the saying “better late than never” applies well in this situation. Setting up for retirement must be your priority when you are in your […]

The Worst Thing You Can Do With Your 401K

The Worst Thing You Can Do With Your 401K

No, it’s not investing too little or being too safe; though that could be bad for your bottom line too. One of the worst things people do with their 401(k) is leave it behind. Yes, in 2010, there were more than 15 million 401(k)s left behind. Orphaned with no foster parents. Blame it on forgetfulness, disregard, or just inactivity. The […]

Five Facts to Have Down Before Retirement

Five Facts to Have Down Before Retirement

Most of us spend a majority of our lives working towards retirement. Our whole lives are centered around this idea, but with economy’s instability, poor budgeting, unavoidable challenges, and bad luck, retirement is a stage that many people simply do not get to experience the way they were meant to. People must begin to realize as early in their careers […]

Retire in Southeast Asia? Teach English Overseas

Retire in Southeast Asia? Teach English Overseas

Moving to a strange land can be a fun and an exceptional adventure that many people want to experience – however the idea of financial stability becomes a roadblock in pursuing the idea. The answer lies in teaching English overseas – especially in Southeast Asian Countries. Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, and many other countries are seeking trained professionals who are […]

10 Best places to live after Retirement in the US

10 Best places to live after Retirement in the US

We spend a majority of our life working to support ourselves and our loved ones. And while working hard and being able to provide for our families gives us a great sense of joy, getting to the part of life where we can just enjoy having every day to ourselves sounds phenomenal. Retirement is what we call this life altering […]

5 Shocking Retirement Statistics

5 Shocking Retirement Statistics

Retirement is one of the most crucial aspects of the American Dream. Unfortunately for many, a dream is what it is turning into. With unexpectedness of the market and the standards of living both improving (for example medically, hence our lifespans are increasing – along with our medical bills) and declining (with cost of basic needs consistently rising – while […]

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